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give standing room for one only
give the bedroom eyes
give the Chinaman a music lesson
give the come-on eye
give the dog a bone
give the double-O
give the eye
give the ferret a run
give the fig
give the glad eye
give the mash eye
give the ogle
give the old man his supper
give the once over
give the pash eye
give the reckless eyeball
give up one's treasure
give up rhythm
give up the work
give up your face
give us a gam
give way
give yaloo
give-and-take girl
given keys to the kingdom
giver of the eye
giving it a tug
give the bedroom eyes
give the Chinaman a music lesson
give the come-on eye
give the dog a bone
give the double-O
give the eye
give the ferret a run
give the fig
give the glad eye
give the mash eye
give the ogle
give the old man his supper
give the once over
give the pash eye
give the reckless eyeball
give tonsil-lectomy
give up one's freedomgive up one's treasure
give up rhythm
give up the work
give up your face
give us a gam
give way
give yaloo
give-and-take girl
given keys to the kingdom
giver of the eye
giving it a tug